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Balance Therapy in Rigby, Idaho

At Pick PT in Rigby, we specialize in balance therapy. Balance therapy is also referred to as vestibular rehabilitation, and most often is prescribed for people with symptoms such as dizziness. Balance physical therapy is a great solution to being unsteady on your feet, or to conquer side effects of vertigo. Balance is something that needs to be resolved because imbalance can lead to falls which can lead to bigger issues such as broken bones. It can also be dangerous while driving. Dizziness can lead to nausea, blurred vision, and other unpleasant symptoms.

What is balance physical therapy?

Balance therapy is performed under the supervision of a physical therapist. Physical therapy is a great solution for many of life’s ailments. People often think of it more as a recovery method after a joint replacement, but physical therapy is actually the leading prescribed treatment for balance problems. Strengthening muscles and joints can help with balance, but physical therapy can also treat a balance disorder such as Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). You can expect physical therapy to give you the results you desire to resume normal activities of life. 

What causes loss of balance?

There is not just one reason for imbalance. 

In general, ear and vision problems are directly related to balance disorders. Vision gives us our sense of spatial orientation. But, if eyesight was the only issue you would be referred to an optometrist rather than a physical therapist. 

A vestibular condition such as MS, concussion or a vestibular stroke can cause loss of balance.  Age can also cause balance to deteriorate naturally over time. 

Signs and Symptoms of a Vestibular Disorder

  • dizziness and vertigo
  • imbalance
  • spacial disorientation
  • vision problems
  • changes in hearing
  • cognitive and/or psychological changes

Balance and Aging

As we get older, our ability to maintain balance declines. The reason for this is because as we age, cells die off including those in the vestibular system. Fewer cells affect the ability to correct your own position and avoid falling. Balance is highly valued by elderly people because falling is their number one fear. Bone density declines with age, so if an elderly person falls there is a high probability that they will break a bone in the process. Worse than a broken bone would be an admittance to the hospital. Struggling to maintain balance as a senior citizen is nothing to be ashamed of, but it’s also not something you should regretfully accept. It is possible to get help and improve your confidence in your strength and balance through physical therapy.

How does physical therapy help? 

A physical therapist is trained to care for people who need vestibular rehabilitation. They can diagnose what is causing your balance problems. It is important to get a proper diagnosis to ensure you have a personalized treatment plan that will actually cure the root cause. Your physical therapist can create a customized plan to help you achieve the goals you desire.

What exercises help with balance?

Your physical therapist will create an exercise program to match your capabilities. They will track your progress and increase intensity of the workouts as you are ready so that you can see optimal results. 

Some common exercises are walking in circles, walking on a treadmill while moving your head side to side or up and down.  Balance exercises could be anything that strengthens the joints including hips, knees and ankles specifically. Balance balls are not named ironically. Balance mats and balance balls can be used as more advanced exercise tools. 

If you have BPPV, it is commonly treated by maneuvers to release crystals from the ears rather than exercises themselves.

How to work on balance at home

Whenever you perform any type of home exercise it is important to consult your physician first, and to make sure your environment is safe. You can always modify by supporting yourself with a chair. All of these suggestions will depend on your current physical activity level, age and ability. It is best to consult a physical therapist for a personalized plan. 

Here are some suggestions. 

  • Standing march
  • Bounce on an exercise ball
  • Single leg stand

Regularly performing exercises such as yoga, tai chi or simply walking outside or on a treadmill are good suggestions for improving every aspect of your overall health.

Pick PT in Rigby, Idaho Can Help

Dr. Wray with Pick PT in Rigby, Idaho is a licensed physical therapist with the skills and experience to assist you with any vestibular disorder treatment, balance therapy or dizziness relief needed. The staff and facility in Rigby are of the highest quality and embody the small town heart of Rigby. Dr. Wray values Rigby because it is where he grew up. You can contact us today to schedule a consultation for balance therapy so you can live and move confidently. 

Living an elevated life means that you are able to live life moving, and it is our mission to help you do just that. Know the signs and symptoms of balance disorders, and don’t hesitate to ask for help. Don’t settle for a decreased quality of life!

Balance Therapy Frequently Asked Questions

Is vertigo an emergency?

Generally, vertigo is not an emergency. You should see your doctor for prolonged cases of vertigo to get treatment for symptoms. However, you should seek immediate attention when severe dizziness is accompanied by extreme head pain or chest pain. 

Who should I see in RIgby for dizziness?

In order to see a physical therapist, insurance will usually require a referral. If you have severe or persistent dizziness, contact your primary care physician to make a treatment plan. They will most likely refer you to physical therapy for treatment.

Are dizziness and blurred vision connected?

Dizziness and blurred vision are not always connected, but it is quite common. Dizziness can be directly caused by vision problems. This is why doctors will often check your eyesight when you are seen for symptoms such as dizziness or head pain.  Another part of the body that affects dizziness is the ears. If an ear is infected or damaged it can cause severe and sudden dizziness.


160 W 2nd S #1
Rexburg, ID 83440

Mon & Wed 7am-7pm
Tues & Thurs 8am-12pm
Friday 7am-6pm


711 Rigby Lake Dr Suite 102
Rigby, ID 83442

Mon, Wed, & Fri 7am-7pm
Tues & Thurs 8am-12pm

Idaho Falls

2277 E Lincoln Rd
Idaho Falls, ID 83401

Mon, Wed, & Fri 7am-7pm
Tues & Thurs 8am-12pm

921 S Utah Ave
Idaho Falls, ID 83401

Mon, Wed, & Fri 7am-6pm
Tues & Thurs 8am-12pm

3155 Channing Way D
Idaho Falls, ID 83404

Mon, Wed, & Fri 7am-6pm
Tues & Thurs 8am-12pm